Sunday, June 22, 2008

I shall not be a gossip monger

How's the weekend?

Mine might have fallen short of entertaining. But still!
I was browsing the very entertaining gossip blogs.
Here's something I spotted!



I've always liked Keira Knightly.
She has a quaint beauty. But what struck me was
her strong jawline, delicate lip shape and firm shoulder.
As seen in a rich purple by Erdem, which really flatters
her lovely pale skin tone. But she seems starkingly thin!

Anyway, the dress. I like how the pleats were played to
give a balance in proportion! The bust area sees varying
pleats fanning out. Then the bodice area has layered
vertical pleats! It's very spot-on for me, cos it's a
well-thought placement. Notice how the bodice's layers
are only towards the end? And with them ending at
different layers help give an extra poof at that area?

Needless to say, the bust pleats were used to enhancce the
bust line. But credit should be given that there were some
pleats which were less dense. The poof at the end would
give an A-line structure and thus giving more techincal
thought to the proportion of the wearer. Nice one!


Then there are so many blogs dedicated to fashion out
there. Of many genres and bountiful information.
A quick look at and I was oohwow-ing!


For Fall'08, Topshop will be working with American designers
to re-invent the basic black trousers for men. It seems like
another Gap x Whirt Shirt thing. But hey, let's give the boys
some excitement. Let's share the thrill of shopping, yes?
Plus, they've just stepped into the American market,
maybe they'll have an interesting response which could
result to great things! Well, at least it's looking very delicious
so far!


Firstly. Hell Yeah! Go CHINA! 798 is a cultural district
that slowly gaining alot of recognition and attention.
For HongKong's IT, which I adore for their prices and
freshness, they've celebrated their 20th anniversary
by working with MMM. If you're in the vicinity of
Beijing, I strongly encourage you to visit 798. Not just
for the above MMM's exhibition of the latest collection,
but to also bask in the new generation of artists.


That's it for now.
Hopefully more and soon!

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