Thursday, April 17, 2008

Many Things To Say!

Thanks to the mysterious bug, I've been way sick. And worse, it brought back all the problems from before! Not only that, it's been too warm for my liking. Actually, that's an everyday affair. So, not quite counted huh. In any case, I'm feeling just a little better. Less drowsy, but more intensive coughing. Any bit that helps me in sitting up on my own is good.

I went to track down on some Raf Simons X Eastpak. I know it's so yester-season and all but I've been putting it off to check on it. So today I did! Well, I'm not sure what to say. It is very RafSimon-y and it does look great, but I'm not really wow-ed over. I wish I was balled over though! One thing I noticed was a resemblance to a friend's design. I like her take though. It had more to it. Anyway. Here are some images. Or, visit here for more Raf Simons loving. This guy's got quite a head on his shoulders. (like we didn't already know.)

Then, I chanced upon this really cute vintage dress: 70s Calico Cream Hippie Dress! I know I wouldn't be able to pull it off as well as I'm having it framed in my sore head. But! I see Rachel Bilson doing a very pleasantly great job with it. If anything, I love it's length, the position of ruchings and waistband, that ribbon that I'll have so much fun with.. And all that came crashing when I sadly remembered how broke I am. So I comforted myself with how it wouldn't be that great on me. Though I'm infatuated with the colour cream and hippie-ness and dresses. I'm so doomed.

Being at home reminds me of how annoyed I am with my room + office + chillout area. That's a whole damn load to ask for when I'm in such a confined space, no? Of cos, I wish I'd the financial capabilities to get an office or an apartment to make a home and office. The ultimate will be a place of any sort in London or Paris. SWOOOON! Ok, I'll shut it. My point was to show you this very smart couch. Many people want colourful furniture to brighten up the place or make it a conversational piece. Although I've a weakness for lusciously coloured leather couches, this made me stop and re-shuffle my mental picture! Found via Freshome via TheCoolHunter.

There's much dreaming that awaits me tonight. Now, to finish my bowl of sliced fish noodles while listening to parisian cafe music. Oh what a blend!

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